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Kit Grooming station complet - BTS2400 avec support tuyau - Nous avons imaginé un appareil, une véritable station de toilettage qui stocke les poils grâce à ses 6 instruments et sèche le poil avec ses 4 brosses soufflantes amovibles.
Existe en fushia, turquoise, gris granit et bleu royal.
Paiement 100% sécurisé
Frais de port gratuit à partir de 59€HT - Livraison sous 48h
Au salon, à la maison ou en toilettage à domicile, les poils se mettent partout. Nous avons imaginé un appareil qui stocke les poils mais surtout qui devient une véritable station de toilettage grâce à ses 6 instruments brossants. La station de toilettage vous permet de toiletter, d´éliminer les poils morts, le sous-poil, les noeuds et de redonner un style naturel à l´animal. Avec le pulseur BTS 2400 fourni, vous pourrez faire un séchage de qualité en même temps avec les 4 brosses soufflantes et les 3 embouts réducteurs fournis dans le kit. Poser le BTS2400 sur la grooming station, le clipser. Brancher votre BTS2400 à une prise de courant. Votre station de toilettage est prête à fonctionner.
Double utilisation :
- Utiliser le BTS2400 en séchage classique ou avec les buses de séchage rapide adaptées à toutes les races (ref M905 à M908)
- Utiliser la station de toilettage avec l´un des 6 instruments de toilettage (ref M918 à M923) pour toiletter l´animal.
- 1 Grooming station
- 1 support tuyau
- 1 adaptateur universel pour tuyau d´aspirateur.
- 1 brosse ramasse poils
- 2 tuyau 2 mètres (1 noir pour le pulseur, 1 gris pour la Grooming Station)
- 4 roulettes
- emplacement pour le rangement des instruments
- 4 brosses soufflantes
- 3 embouts réducteurs
- 6 accessoires de brossage Magic combs soft pour le toilettage
Complete Grooming station kit - BTS 2400 with hose holder - We have imagined a device, a real grooming station that stores the hair thanks to its 6 instruments and dries the hair with its 4 removable blower brushes.
Available in fushia, turquoise, grey and royal blue.
Complete Grooming station kit - BTS 3000 with hose holder - We have imagined a device, a real grooming station that stores the hair thanks to its 6 instruments and dries the hair with its 4 removable blower brushes.
Available in fushia, turquoise, grey and royal blue.
Complete Grooming station kit - BTS 3000 with hose holder - We have imagined a device, a real grooming station that stores the hair thanks to its 6 instruments and dries the hair with its 4 removable blower brushes.
Available in fushia, turquoise, grey and royal blue.
Kit Grooming station - especially for conventional vacuum cleaner
- In home or pet shop, there fur everywhere we imagined a device that aspirate the hair but especially becomes a true grooming station with its 6 instruments.
Grooming stationIn home or pet shop, there fur everywhere we imagined a device that aspirate the hair but especially becomes a true grooming station with its optional 6 instruments.
Grooming station
In home or pet shop, there fur everywhere we imagined a device that aspirate the hair but especially becomes a true grooming station with its optional 6 instruments.
Complete Grooming station kit - BTS 3000 with hose holder - We have imagined a device, a real grooming station that stores the hair thanks to its 6 instruments and dries the hair with its 4 removable blower brushes.
Available in fushia, turquoise, grey and royal blue.
Kit Grooming station - especially for conventional vacuum cleaner
- In home or pet shop, there fur everywhere we imagined a device that aspirate the hair but especially becomes a true grooming station with its 6 instruments.
Grooming stationIn home or pet shop, there fur everywhere we imagined a device that aspirate the hair but especially becomes a true grooming station with its optional 6 instruments.
Complete Grooming station kit - BTS 3000 with hose holder - We have imagined a device, a real grooming station that stores the hair thanks to its 6 instruments and dries the hair with its 4 removable blower brushes.
Available in fushia, turquoise, grey and royal blue.
Complete Grooming station kit - BTS 2400 with hose holder - We have imagined a device, a real grooming station that stores the hair thanks to its 6 instruments and dries the hair with its 4 removable blower brushes.
Available in fushia, turquoise, grey and royal blue.
Grooming stationIn home or pet shop, there fur everywhere we imagined a device that aspirate the hair but especially becomes a true grooming station with its optional 6 instruments.
Complete Grooming station kit - BTS 2400 with hose holder - We have imagined a device, a real grooming station that stores the hair thanks to its 6 instruments and dries the hair with its 4 removable blower brushes.
Available in fushia, turquoise, grey and royal blue.
Kit Grooming station - especially for conventional vacuum cleaner
- In home or pet shop, there fur everywhere we imagined a device that aspirate the hair but especially becomes a true grooming station with its 6 instruments.
Kit Grooming station - especially for conventional vacuum cleaner
- In home or pet shop, there fur everywhere we imagined a device that aspirate the hair but especially becomes a true grooming station with its 6 instruments.